Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Plans for the NA29 and UBS6

At SBL last November, Holger Strutwolf gave an update on the plans for the next editions of the NA and UBS editions. I took some notes and thought I would share them. (Sorry it’s taken so long to get these out.)
  • Both editions now have the same editorial committee. These editions will follow the work on the ECM volumes, but the committee is not bound to the same decisions as the ECM editors. They will make their own judgments. (That was a point that had not been entirely clear to me before.) Note that this means NA29 will be different in principle at least from NA28.
  • The UBS has heard from translators that the UBS edition has more variants than they really need to do their field translation work so the UBS6 will probably have fewer than the UBS5.
  • Greg Paulson and Dora Panella will be assistants on the editions
  • Holger mentioned 2022 as a possible date for the NA29 with the UBS6 following after that. They are waiting for at least one more ECM volume to be finished, probably on Mark. In that case, they can incorporate the ECM work on at least two more books (Acts and Mark). What’s happening with John, I don’t know.


  1. Thanks for the update...I'll be on the lookout for these new editions in a couple years.

  2. Mk 1,1 υιου θεου, brackets?

    Mk 14, 62 συ ειπας εγω ειμι

    The suspense is killing me.

  3. One would have thought that John was ahead of Mark in the schedule.

    1. At one point, it was ahead of pretty much anything in the schedule if I recall.

  4. Are any of the UBS editors likely to take a stand against the NA editors decisions? I wouldn't have thought that was likely. Although it would make things interesting if UBS went back to a broader consensus model (the original Nestle genius).

    1. Since the editorial comittee of both editions (UBS and NA) are the same, it would surprise alot if something like thant would happen.....

  5. Nuh uh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. ECM John is produced under the auspices of the IGNTP and David Parker, ITSEE, is the editor. He is now applying the CBGM and is in chapter 7 or so. There is a greater pressure on the INTF (and more funding, more staff) to get out volumes according to plan (already delayed) to keep the long-term grant from DFG. However, production on the whole has speeded up considerably now that the editing infrastructure has been developed.

  7. Do you have any news about the publication date of NA29 (and UBS6)?

  8. The. date of publication must be later that 2022. Perhaps 2026?

    1. Alexander Thomson6/05/2024 8:43 pm

      Yet more money for a book containing a text we already have, adding just partial improvements? Why not just issue a cheaper booklet of the changes? I will concede, however, that antics surrounding the Greek New Testament are less farcical and less expensive than the antics surrounding BHQ.
