I don't know if anyone's seen a copy of the new ICC volume on 1 Peter by Travis B. Williams and David G. Horrell. I haven't, but I know its expected to be a major contribution. What caught my attention in a recent review was this comment:

The introduction alone is monograph-length and exhaustive on its covered topics (1:1–297). From the beginning, the scholarly value of this commentary is apparent. Williams and Horrell first survey cutting-edge text criticism to establish their method for determining the text of 1 Peter for their commentary (1:2–20). They adopt the recent Coherent-Based Genealogical Method (CGBM) of text criticism, and they critically engage the Editio Critica Maior (based on the CGBM), which distinguishes this 1 Peter commentary from others. Indeed, one of the many strengths of this commentary is its lengthy discussion of text critical matters in each text unit of 1 Peter. This commentary is the most thorough resource for people conducting text criticism of 1 Peter to consult.
I generally find textual comments in commentaries disappointing and redundant if one has read Metzger's commentary. But this sounds like it could be a genuine and welcome exception. Anyway, if anyone has put eyes on it and has thoughts, I'd be happy to hear what you think of its text criticism.