Monday, May 28, 2018

Dirk at Southern Seminary on Tyndale Edition

We interrupt your regularly scheduled updates on the Mark fragment for this message from Rob Plummer:
I would like to invite you to a free lecture on the Tyndale House Edition of the Greek New Testament by the lead editor of this recent publication, Dr. Dirk Jongkind. Wednesday, June 20th, 1pm (Eastern Standard Time), in the basement of the Southern Seminary library.

After Dr. Jongkind’s presentation and following discussion, I will be giving a private tour of the seminary archives. Some of the Greek treasures there include a 1522 Erasmus 3rd edition Greek New Testament and the original handwritten manuscripts of A.T. Robertson’s magisterial grammar. I hope you can join us!

Title and description of the lecture:

Treasuring Detail in Untraditional Ways: The Tyndale House Edition of the Greek New Testament 
Since the early 18th century the approach to the textual criticism of the GNT has been dominated by a received set of ‘canons of textual criticism’. This set of guidelines determines the categories with which individual textual variants are discussed. A lot has happened over the last 300 years. One of the most important developments for textual criticism has been a growing appreciation of the actual way in which scribes copy a text. This notion, together with the wealth of manuscript material that is easily available, led scholars at Tyndale House to produce a new critical edition of the Greek New Testament. Regardless of how one thinks about the employed method, the project has provided a new impetus to be attentive to the detail of the Scriptures of the New Testament.
Sound like fun. May I recommend Skyline Chili for lunch, Dirk?


  1. "We have a distinguished visitor with us today from Cambridge, England. We are encouraging his humility by getting him to do a talk in the basement!"

    1. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

    2. This is why textual criticism is called "lower criticism".

  2. I might suggest either Bluegrass Burgers or my beloved and deeply-missed Chick-fil-A.

  3. I read the post too quickly and for a moment thought that it said Dirk was speaking at Tyndale, which I assumed was the one in Toronto, in which case I would say you have to get to The Berger's Priest! They're redeeming the world one burger at a time, and there's Greek new testament printed on the walls there, so that has to be good, right?

  4. That was "The Burger's Priest" . Stupid autocorrect.

  5. PG,
    Do you know if there is a sign-up required for this event? I did not see it on their website.

