Tuesday, December 01, 2009

P127: New manuscript of Acts

The ITSEE News reports as follows:
Volume 74 of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, recently published, contains David Parker's edition of P127, a fifth-century papyrus containing parts of Acts 10-12 and 15-17.
According to the introduction it is "the most significant new addition to the Greek evidence since ... 1927... It offers a new free version of Acts. Although it differs greatly from Codex Vaticanus, it also presents a strikingly different version from that found in Codex Bezae".
There is nothing yet on the Oxy web-site and I haven't seen vol. 74 as yet.


  1. Does anyone have any information how this new papyrus differs from B and D?

  2. Probably not. Except for David Parker.
