Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Gospel of Judas Documentary (Indiana Wesleyan University)

I am really impressed with my eight Indiana Wesleyan University John Wesley Honors College students who created the documentary below as part of their HNR 325 Honors Research Tutorial class.  I prefer to call it Honors Research Supervision, but that's another story...  Keep in mind that this is created by undergraduate students with no formal training in technology or prior background with the relevant historical or philosophical issues.  The documentary attempts to interpret the Gospel of Judas in light of related historical documents.  The students read broadly, including texts from Plato, Plotinus and Porphyry, Irenaeus and Origen, (not enough time for Augustine), and several texts from Nag Hammadi (Apocryphon of John, Three Stele of Seth and Zostrianus).  The students were most enthused with Judas, though, and opted to pool their audio-visual projects into one documentary.  Enjoy.


  1. Hi Christian,
    This presentation was very informative, creatively made, and quite amusing in parts (love the puppets).

  2. These students are a credit to their instructor, Christian!

  3. Christian,

    Hi! I am an amateur researcher on the Gospel of Judas. Very fun and imaginative production you and friends have done. Here's the thing. Judas is the sacrifice, not Jesus! I can help you make sense of the whole narrative. I wrote a book on it. Email me and I will pdf it to you and anyone else for free. judaswasjames[at]aol[dot]com
    Another book of mine about other saviors in the Bible:
    radio: (start at 13:45)
