Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Didache as textual witness

Peter Malik has published on the Didache as a textual witness in the SJNTS (Student Journal for New Testament Studies). It will be interesting to see how this new journal develops and whether the idea of a student journal will prove successful.


  1. Interesting. Looks like the kind of issue that's not limited to the Didache.

  2. Probably helpful if they could copy edit. The second sentence doesn't make sense: "This present writer does not think that the way our hand-editions of the GNT treat the Didache with appropriate caution."

  3. to anon: You're right. I don't know how I could've created/missed that one!

  4. There is also some TC work in one of the other articles in this volume on the crucifixion by Tyler Smith who is, according to the article, a PhD student at Yale. Looks like a pretty neat journal.

  5. to anon: 1. the error got corrected. 2. yes, Tyler´s article is the highlight of the journal.
