I enjoyed giving one paper this year. In previous years I have often done two (or last year even three), which is invariably stressful no matter how far in advance I prepare them. I put a bit more thought into the one presentation as a presentation, and even managed to rehearse it twice at home, and I think this helped with the clarity and focus of the presentation (although the final version of the powerpoint was prepared in the 'plane while waiting on the tarmac at Heathrow).
I majored on sessions relevant to my research interests in "NT Textual Criticism" and "Papyrology and Early Christianity" with various other things more connected with teaching (Mark, NT Theology etc.). Probably the highlight was the new text of Mark 1.1-2 from Oxyrhynchus, but lots of these were interesting and may be blogged in more detail in coming days. There were some odd schedule conflicts and it was noticeable that attendance at some sessions (esp. papyrology) was pretty low.
I had great room-mates and was able to spend time with lots of people (although it is striking how many people who were in New Orleans I didn't meet); I got plenty of exercise in the hotel gym, walking about, and one longer ride; enjoyed some jazz (on the street and in Preservation Hall); enjoyed some good food on a budget (breakfast buffet meant a banana generally could suffice for lunch which left some great dinners). I had several helpful discussions about publishing matters (while managing to buy only three books), and have some ideas for future projects of various sorts (this section deliberately vague). I also met with some students thinking about coming to Cambridge. It was also noticeable that several friends are struggling with job hunting in a difficult economic environment.
On Tuesday a friend with a car meant we could head south for a two mile nature trail in the Barataria Nature Preserve (unfortunately no alligators, but plenty of interest as it follows a lovely bayou through a range of different habitats - we did see egrets, vultures, squirrels, lizards, snakes and fish leaping);
What "new text of Mark 1.1-2 from Oxyrhynchus"?
ReplyDeleteWhat? No surfing this year?
ReplyDeleteWieland, it will come out in P. Oxy. vol. 76. I think Geoffrey Smith, who presented that paper (instead of his announced paper on the Bodmer misc. codex), will edit the item.
ReplyDeleteThe item is an amulet (though PH not convinced), with a very special opening. The actual text follows the uncial Θ rather closely. Hence, it supports the short reading of Mk 1:1 (although it inserts του in front of χριστου). I will blog more about this later, but since you're so curious:-).
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to your reports!
The new Oxyrhynchus text of Mark 1:1-2 was exciting indeed. Peter, it was very nice meeting you. Thanks again for your time at SBL. I am sure I will be by the blog a little more often now :).