Friday, June 05, 2009

Codex Sinaiticus Conference Programme + Two Workshops in Birmingham

The latest version of the programme looks as follows:

Monday, 6 July 2009


Welcome address

Codex Sinaiticus in its historical context
Harry Gamble - Codex Sinaiticus: the book and its readers in the fourth century
David Trobisch - Codex Sinaiticus and the formation of the Christian Bible
Emanuel Tov - The Septuagint section in Codex Sinaiticus compared with other sources


Parallel sessions

The making and conserving of Codex Sinaiticus
Helen Shenton - The conservation of Codex Sinaiticus
Christopher Clarkson - Book-making in the fourth century
René Larsen - Parchment production in the fourth century

The scribes of Codex Sinaiticus
Dirk Jongkind - Scribal habits of Codex Sinaiticus
J. Verheyden - 'That awful scribe B': some observations on the text of Hermas as compared to that of the Prophets
Peter Head - Scribe D in the New Testament of Codex Sinaiticus


Experiencing Codex Sinaiticus
David Parker - The fourth century New Testament text of Codex Sinaiticus
Amy Myshrall and Rachel Kevern – Transcribing Codex Sinaiticus
Kristin de Troyer – Reading Judges for the first time
Klaus Wachtel – The corrected New Testament text of Codex Sinaiticus

Key note address
Eldon Epp - Codex Sinaiticus in modern Biblical scholarship

Reception and Exhibition

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

The New Finds
Archbishop Damianos - tbc
Panayotes Nikolopoulos - tbc
Father Justin -


Parallel sessions

The travels of Codex Sinaiticus
Christfried Böttrich - The history of 'Codex Sinaiticus'
Nicholas Fyssas - tbc
Ekaterina Krushelnitskaya – The St Petersburg fragments of Codex Sinaiticus: history, storage, publicity
William Frame – The British Museum purchase of Codex Sinaiticus

Reports on related projects

Ulrich Schmid - Citations of the Septuagint in their New Testament versions
Jan Krans – The digitisation of Codex Boreelianus
Juan Garcés – Codex Sinaiticus and the mass-digitisation of Greek manuscripts at the British Library


Parallel sessions

Codex Sinaiticus and the history of biblical texts
Daniel Batovici - The Shepherd of Hermas in Codex Sinaiticus: textual and reception-historical
Juan Hernández - Codex Sinaiticus: the earliest Christian commentary on John’s Apocalypse?
Albert Pietersma and Cameron Boyd-Taylor – The Psalms in Codex Sinaiticus

Codex Sinaiticus in the present
Peter Robinson - Creating a 21st century edition of Codex Sinaiticus
Steve Walton - Codex Sinaiticus and its importance for contemporary Christianity

Final address
Ulrich Schneider – The future of Codex Sinaiticus

For registration and further information, see the Codex Sinaiticus Project homepage.

Following this conference there will be two one day workshops in Birmingham. The following information is cited from the ITSEE conferences and seminars webpage:

Wednesday, 8 July: a day focusing on the Mingana Collection, to celebrate the launch of the first phase of the Virtual Manuscript Room, a resource on the internet for scholars working with manuscripts and texts. Speakers include a number of experts in Arabic texts and manuscripts. Details will appear shortly on this website. If you are interested in attending, please contact Frouke Schrijver.

Thursday, 9 July: The International Greek New Testament Project is hosting a one-day seminar. The subject is a single Greek manuscript of the Gospels, Birmingham University Library, Mingana MS Peckover Gr. 7 (Gregory-Aland 713 and L586). A number of speakers will discuss different aspects of the manuscript, including its miniatures, a comparison between the art-historical and textual evidence (Kathleen Maxwell), the recent history (Lionel North), the palaeography (David Parker or any other interested party), the lectionary evidence and the palimpsested manuscript (Chris Jordan), the textual history (Klaus Wachtel), the possible Diatessaronic unique logion of Jesus at Mt 17.21, together with its relationship to the Syriac and Armenian versions of Ephrem's commentary (Ulrich Schmid and David Taylor). Then we will assess where this integrated approach to MS and textual study has got us to and is leading us. Further details will appear soon on this webpage. If you are interested in attending, please contact Dr Helen Ingram. If anybody is interested in offering any other presentation on this MS (especially the codicology/palaeography) we can provide an advance link to the digital images.

For anybody who is thinking also of attending the Codex Sinaiticus conference, we are looking at providing transport from London to Birmingham on the Tuesday evening.


  1. Is there any chance I can acquire transportation from Los Angeles? It looks like a great conference!

  2. I find it odd that the ITSEE people scheduled the Arabic manuscripts for the first day. There is not a strong connection between Sinaiticus and Arabic, and I can not imagine that loads of people will use their transport to sit through a day of Arabic manuscripts. I must have missed this when I made earlier plans to attend.

  3. I agree. I imagine it reflects other considerations relating specifically to the first phase (and funding) of the VMR in Birmingham. I suppose there are specialists on these Arabic MSS in the Mingana collection at Birmingham University, who are largely responsible for a lot of data that is going into the VMR environment at this stage. The second workshop on Thursday will compensate you. That will be very interesting and focus on one of the Greek MSS in the Mingana collection. In the preparation people from Birmingham, Münster, and elsewhere will have worked with images of this MS from the VMR.
