At the last annual SBL meeting in San Diego, my Swedish colleague Mikael Winninge, who chairs the Formation of Luke and Acts program unit, mentioned the idea to have a joint session with New Testament textual criticism to discuss Marcion’s Evangelion, the “Western Non-Interpolations,” and the transmission of Luke. I thought this was a very good idea, and so put him in contact with the chairs of the NTTC session, and proposed a few potential contributors to such a session, not least Dieter Roth who has just published his monograph on Marcion’s text of the Gospels.
Consider what Judith Lieu says in her review mentioned in the last post:

So, some of the “other” scholars who are not mentioned by name in Lieu’s review, but have made “more assertively daring reconstructions” of Marcion’s text than Roth (right photo) will be present at the session, e.g., Markus Vinzent (left photo) as will Lieu herself. I expect an interesting and fruitful debate. Followers of this blog who are attending the meeting would not want to miss it.
Personally I changed my travel plan so that I do not need to head to the airport in panic after Tuesday breakfast. I will stay an extra day and enjoy the best wine saved for the last.
Formation of Luke and Acts; New Testament Textual Criticism
Joint Session With: New Testament Textual Criticism, Formation of Luke and Acts
9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Room: Courtland (Atlanta Conference Level) - Hyatt
This session with the Formation of Luke and Acts Section addresses Marcion’s Evangelion, the “Western Non-Interpolations,” and the transmission of Luke. Patricia Walters, Rockford University, Presiding
Consider what Judith Lieu says in her review mentioned in the last post:
In the cautious conservatism of its conclusions it is also unlikely to attract the popular attention through publicity and . . . gained by other more assertively daring reconstructions, whose conclusions may be swiftly adopted and used to rewrite the history of the past with as much confidence as have been applied to the more conventional hypotheses of New Testament origins.

Personally I changed my travel plan so that I do not need to head to the airport in panic after Tuesday breakfast. I will stay an extra day and enjoy the best wine saved for the last.
Formation of Luke and Acts; New Testament Textual Criticism
Joint Session With: New Testament Textual Criticism, Formation of Luke and Acts
9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Room: Courtland (Atlanta Conference Level) - Hyatt
This session with the Formation of Luke and Acts Section addresses Marcion’s Evangelion, the “Western Non-Interpolations,” and the transmission of Luke. Patricia Walters, Rockford University, Presiding
- Dieter Roth, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Marcion’s Gospel: Reconstructions and Their Implications (30 min) - Jason BeDuhn, Northern Arizona University
Marcion’s Evangelion and the Two Source Hypothesis (30 min) - Ronald van der Bergh, University of Pretoria
Marcion’s Legacy and the Old Testament Quotations in Codex Bezae’s Luke (30 min) - Judith Lieu, University of Cambridge
Marcion’s Gospel and the Question of Theological Tendency (30 min) - Markus Vinzent, King’s College - London, Respondent (20 min)
- Discussion (10 min)
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