Monday, November 15, 2010

P46, P66 or P75 for a Fistful of Dollars

When I was in Edinburgh two years ago I noticed that Larry Hurtado had what looked as very ancient NT papyri mounted in frames on the wall in his office. These turned out to be very good replicas of P46 and P66 (as I recall), handmade by papyrologist Don Barker (Macquarie University).

Don Barker maintains the website New Testament and other Papyrus Manuscript Reproductions/Replicas. He has reproductions in stock of P46 (1 Cor 14.34 -15.6), P66 (John 3) and P75 (Luke 14.26-15.3) for $60 per item, but it is possible to order almost any papyrus manuscript that a customer wants if there is a suitable image to work from. In my experiences, replicas such as these are great for teaching purposes.

Don has agreed to run an "SBL Atlanta special" for us. He will bring a number of copies to the S22-329 SBL Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds Group session on 22 Nov. 4.00-6.45 PM, and will take 10% off the cost as a SBL/ETC special (i.e., $54/item)! It is possible to pre-order by sending me an e-mail at tomwas[at]spray[dot]se, and I will make a list – "The first at the mill can grind the first" (and I am on the top of the list). But you will have to be there at the session to make your purchase.


  1. I'm somewhat suspicious that what is being offered here is only one PAGE each of said papyri. For what they pay scribes these days--even if this was being outsourced to Malabar--I can't imagine an entire codex at that price.

  2. Inflation (scholars need to know), writer's cramp and elbow grease.


  3. White Man, if 1 Cor 14.34-15.6 was the only contents of P46, the letters would have been quite large.
