Thursday, February 04, 2010

Quiz: SBL TC Audience

The SBL-site publishes various photos from their past meetings. Follow the link to this photo and you will find (hopefully) an very interested audience in a session on NT textual criticism.

Identify as many as you can!

Extra bonus if you can identify the exact session.

(The photo may be swapped, but here is a direct link to the photo.)


  1. Left to right, front to back:

    1.1 Troy Griffitts
    1.5 Wayne Canaday
    2.4 Hugh Houghton
    4.1 Rick Bennett
    4.2 Larry Hurtado
    4.3 Dirk Jongkind
    5.1 Bruce Morrill?
    5.2 AnneMarie Luijendijk?
    5.3 is a particular challenge

  2. They mostly look familiar. I can only name eight of them.
    To start on the far left front: Troy Griffiths - computer boffin extraordinaire and soon to start a PhD at Birmingham on computer science and NT TC (if he is allowed entry into the country).

  3. It must have been an interesting session. Does that help identify it?

  4. PJW: I am a bit surprised that you did not identify 4.4.

  5. 3.2 Jeffry Kloha

    5.2 Tommy Wasserman's head?

    Is this the Saturday afternoon TC session? I was not there, but it does not appear to be the Sunday or Monday sessions.

    4.4 ... a shady looking character, indeed.

  6. Christian, I think your right ... about my head.

  7. I don't now which session it is, but I note that there is at least another row in front of Kannaday et al. Moreover, I can easily exclude a number of sessions. But in the session I am left withI sat at the front row. This is difficult.

  8. 3.1 Doug Burleson (student of Bill Warren at NOBTS)

  9. 1.3: Linda Belleville
    1.4: Jean-Francois Racine
    2.1: John Gram (Lutheran pastor from Vancouver, BC, w/a long interest in TC)
    2.3 Nick Zola (doctoral student at Baylor)

    The presence of Belleville leads me to think the session was 21-224.

  10. Mike, I agree with you that it is probably 21-224. That is what I thought too, and probably during Peter Head's paper because the audience look so interested but critical ;-).

    I remember that I started out on the front row, but later switched seat because I needed to load my computer.

    I know at least two more who have not been identified, 1.2 and 4.4.

  11. 1.2 is a businessman from Washington, D.C. who has a lay interest in textual criticism. (If you are out there, I am sorry I do not remember your name!)

  12. Also Tom Shepherd next to Jeff Kloha (3.3?)

  13. PJW: hint on 4.4– 'diplai sacra'

    It's definitely 21-224 because I remember them running out of handouts (as often happened in the TC sessions) and I gave one to 5.2 (aka AnneMarie Luijendijk).

  14. Christian, I thought 1.2 was Paul Anderson, but he is not from Washington. i might be wrong.

    And at first I thought 4.4 was Peter Williams, but apparently it is Charles Hill.

    This is not a bad record.

    I suppose 5.3 can only be identified by himself but 2.2?

  15. This is what I see, with with some being duplicates/confirmations of the comments others have made:
    Front row: 1.2 Paul Anderson, 1.4 Jean-François Racine, 1.5 Wayne Kannady
    Second row: 2.4 Hugh Houghton
    Third row: 3.1 Doug Burleson, 3.2 Jeff Kloha, 3.3 Tom Shepherd (Andrews Univ.),
    Fourth row: 4.1 Rick Bennett (Accordance), 4.2 Larry Hurtado, 4.3 Dirk Jongkind, and perhaps 4.4 Charles Hill.

    I'm almost certain the meeting was the Sat. afternoon session, perhaps as mentioned when Peter was presenting, or was that Philip presenting? :)
    Nice puzzle, Tommy!

  16. Tommy, you are correct that 1.2 is not the fellow I had thought. Sorry! I too had also supposed that 4.4 was PJW.

  17. In terms of the session, Tommy presumably knows when he went to the back of the room. There doesn't seem to have been any handouts for this presentation - that could eliminate some possibilities.
