Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Preparations for the fifth edition of the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament are underway. These involve revising the choice of variants from the fourth edition, again with the purpose of focusing on those that are most significant. UBS5 will also be informed by work on the ECM. They have written to a number of scholars asking for suggestions as to changes in the variants registered. Although they haven't thrown the net wide open for comments from anyone, I'm sure that unsolicited but reasoned feedback on this issue would be gratefully received by the German Bible Society, who appear to be coordinating this project. Since they are also planning to have an Additional Meeting at SBL in San Diego, that would be another opportunity to present the editors with constructive suggestions.


  1. The final farewell for the NA27?

  2. I think that the NA editions will be here for the foreseeable future. NA27 will be replaced by NA28 as UBS4 will be replaced by UBS5. Both will increasingly depend on the ECM. The two manual editions are for different audiences and I am told that the UBS text is the one that sells far better.
