Monday, November 13, 2006

NT Transcripts

For anyone who has not used them I would highly recommend the NT Transcripts available through the Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung in Münster. They appear very reliable—in a league well above Swanson in this regard. However, their transcription of Sinaiticus in John 1:35 reads ιστηκει where it should offer ιστηκι. I would be interested if anyone has any other errata for this excellent resource, which is, I believe, constantly under review.


  1. It is a great resource, though as yet meager in terms of how many manuscripts are offered in most books. I wonder how rapidly they will be adding resources?

  2. I have an errata for Jude; in my dissertation (soon to be released), there is an errata list for the Editio Critica Maior, which is also applicable to the NT transcripts prototype, although at some points I have noticed that the two (the transcript prototype and the ECM) differ. Note also that on the INTF website there is a digital Nestle-Aland prototype.
