Friday, January 12, 2024

ECM Revelation available for pre-order


The German Bible Society now has a page for the ECM Revelation, available for pre-order for €329.00 (plus shipping). The info on the page indicates there are nearly 100 changes from the NA28 [cue the unnecessary fear-mongering]; I am interested to know what all they are and how many of them are translatable. The release date is set for 12 May 2024, and hopefully vol. 3.2 will have Revelation, not Acts, on the front cover in real life. Congrats to Martin Karrer and his team!


  1. 4 volumes! I'm going to need to make some shelf space.

  2. Maurice A. Robinson1/13/2024 3:30 am

    It might even make premillennialists out of some people....

  3. I wonder if this will revise my attempts to understand two small portions:
    "The Exclusion of Ephraim in Rev. 7:4-8 and Essene Polemic Against Pharisees," DSD 2 (1995) 80-84 and
    "The Text of Revelation 22:14," NTS 43 (1997).

  4. Alan Kurschner1/14/2024 3:29 am

    Super good news.

  5. Juan Hernandez Jr.1/16/2024 6:17 pm

    Should be fun to see what changes were made. Schmid concluded his study (after expressing optimism about what was achieved), by also noting that there were a "small number of places where careful, deliberative criticism will not eliminate a 'non liquet' and the choice between two competing readings for the 'Urtext' cannot be settled. Future text-critical studies will hardly be able to remove this remnant of uncertainty." We've finally come to the place to test that claim!
