Tuesday, November 26, 2019

RIP Larry W. Hurtado (1943–2019)


The sad news has reached me that my dear friend and colleague, Larry W. Hurtado, has deceased. A very fine person and a giant scholar in New Testament studies including textual criticism has left us. I lack words to express my deep appreciation for his friendship and scholarship.
I post here below a picture of one of the many memories together with Larry that I treasure – when we, former students and other friends and colleagues, had the pleasure to present him with a well-deserved Festschrift in his honor during a previous SBL five years ago in San Diego (where I am writing these lines).

Update: There is a fine obituary in Christianity Today, "Remembering Larry Hurtado, Leading Researcher of Early Christian Worship"  written by Holly J. Carey, one of his former students.

Update 2: Helen Bond, Edinburgh University, remembers her friend and colleague Larry Hurtado.

Update 3: Chris Keith, St Mary's Twickenham, remembers his Doktorvater.


  1. Our sympathies go to his wife and family.

  2. I think my favourite memory of Larry, was on the occasion of the discussion at SBL about his artefacts book (I can't remember where or when). Pressed hard by Bart Ehrman on a possible implicit Christian bias at work in some of his lists and distinctions, having tried to answer the questions carefully, eventually he gave up and said "F%&£ IT, I AM A CHRISTIAN".

  3. I met Larry on a number of occasions, and emailed with him as well. He was always friendly and helpful, as you would expect, but my new favourite memory of him has to be the one Peter just posted! What a perfect story in the face of such news.

    Also, would have made a great book title.

  4. Three books I have..the last is when he comment " Myths and Mistake in NT textual critism"

  5. My heartfelt condolences go to his family. I can't express adequately how much his work has been instrumental in my own faith journey, as well as my academic journey. He was always very kind and approachable to those new to scholarship or academia like myself. He will be greatly missed by so many.

  6. Likewise, I add my condolences to Dr. Hurtado’s wife, family and friends. We never met in person, but have interacted often on his blog and a couple of times via email. He will be missed!


  7. I echo the sentiments of Timothy Joseph; though never meeting Prof. Hurtado in person, he was always ready to respond to emails or comments on his blog, of which I still have the email exchanges.

    He will be sorely missed.

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