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Aug. 23, 2015 — Added info on Burleson (2012), Head (2008), Hernández et al. (2012), Min (2005), Parker (1990), and Paulson (2013).
ReplyDeleteClarysse, Willy. "Egyptian Scribes Writing Greek," Chronique d'Egypte 69 (1993) 186-201.
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Sosin, Joshua D. and Joseph H. Manning. Palaeography and Bilingualism: P. Duke inv. 320 and 675, Chronique d'Egypte 78 (2003) 202-10.
Tait, William John, "Rush and Brush: the Pens of Egyptian and Greek Scribes," Proceedings of the XVIII Int. Congress of Papyrology, Athens, v.2 1988, 477-481.
I would like to add:
ReplyDeleteRaymond Clemens & Timothy Graham, Introduction to Manuscript Studies. Ithaca & London: Cornel University Press 2007.
It is a quite comprehensive introduction to Manuscript Studies, especially focused on Latin Manuscripts, but nevertheless, it contains much very useful information (and not to forget, many beautiful illustrations of scribal habits...!).
And another (important) addition:
ReplyDeleteKathleen McNamee, Annotations in Greek and Latin Texts from Egypt. CPI Antony Rowe, Chippenham, Wiltshire (The American Society of Papyrologists) 2007.
See also several of her articles in the bibliography. I believe, that we cannot understand the scribal habits in the NT Papyri and other manuscripts without the context of Classical literature and the scribal habits we meet there. Hence, I would appreciate the suggestion to expand the bibliography beyond the NT...