Tuesday, May 05, 2015

R.I.P. Roger Omanson 1946 – 2015

Roger Omanson has passed away on April 30 after a short battle with pancreatic cancer at the age of 68.

Omanson devoted most of his career to bible translation with the United Bible Societies, and authored numerous articles and books including A Textual Guide to the Greek New Testament: An Adaptation of Bruce M. Metzger's Textual Commentary for the Needs of Translators (Hendrickson Publishers, 2006; see here). 

Obituaries in The Courier-Journal Obituaries and Baptist News Global.


  1. So he was a Unitarian. Interesting. So is the United Bible Society not (necessarily) Trinitarian?

    1. No. That's why the Trinitarian Bible Society was founded. Roger was probably an Evangelical Textual Critic back in his earlier days as a missionary.

    2. And TBS, of course, publishers Scrivener's reconstruction of the Greek text followed by the KJV, because the TR seems to have been built on the principle of always following the most Trinitarian sounding variant no matter what the manuscript evidence is.

    3. Where can I read about the history of all that?

    4. There's a mention of Omanson in Gregory Wills's Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (OUP, 2009), 449 in relation to the theological conflicts there.

  2. A. J. Brown, The Word of God Among All Nations: a brief history of the Trinitarian Bible Society 1831-1981 (London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, 1981)

  3. http://www.tbsbibles.org/history

  4. UBS: "We put aside doctrinal differences in our common pursuit to make the Bible available to everyone." http://www.unitedbiblesocieties.org/who-we-are/ubs-story/

  5. "Bible Societies understand their task as participation in the mission of God −Father, Son and Holy Spirit −as witnessed in the Holy Scriptures." http://www.unitedbiblesocieties.org/who-we-are/mission-vision-values/
