Saturday, July 20, 2024

Text-Types Conference


Yesterday afternoon we wrapped up our first overseas Text & Canon Institute Colloquium which was on the topic of text-types in NT textual criticism. We had a very good time over two days discussing the origin of text-types, the current problems with them, and their possible future. You can see the list of topics here. We hope to publish the proceedings in due course. In the meantime, you can read this summary from Nelson Hsieh who was there.

Putting on an event like this is no small affair. So, let me offer some thanks to those who made it possible. Thanks to all who participated both presenters and attendees for making it such a collegial time; to our hosts at Lanier Theological Library at Yarnton Manor who could not have taken better care of us; to our supporters who made this financially possible for the TCI; and to Colin O’Bier, our operations manager, for keeping all the logistics humming not just his week but over the last year he’s worked on this.

Here are some pictures.


  1. Peter, what did you think of the phylogenic approach in general?

  2. Peter Rodgers: I wish I had been at the conference. I look forward to a full report and the published papers.

  3. Is there any news yet on the prospect of publishing these papers?
