Thursday, February 06, 2025

Resolving the Mystery of GA 2776

I’m in the process of working through all the manuscripts in the Liste tagged as containing Pauline content. One of these mss is GA 2766. The Liste describes the contents of this ms as “aprK.” It dates to the 17th century, is located in the Petraki Monastery in Athens, and is described as containing “c.a. 250” leaves.

However, the portion in the manuscript workspace only contains James through Jude, with no text of Acts or Paul or Revelation. So I dug a little deeper. Pinakes listed only one additional source of information about this ms—Μορφωτικὸ Ἵδρυμα Ἐθνικῆς Τραπέζης. Ἱστορικὸ καὶ Παλαιογραφικὸ Ἀρχεῖο. Μικροφωτογραφήσεις χειρογράφων και αρχείων, Γʹ (1981-1983). While the link to online version provided in Pinakes itself did not work, with a little digging, I was able to find a copy, which provided the following information about our ms (unfortunately the original scan was low resolution): 

This clearly describes the ms as a combination of a printed edition and a manuscript. In her dissertation, Dora Panella provides a description of this edition. “In 1532 Bernardus Donatus published in a single volume the Oecumenian catenae on Acts, the Pauline Epistles and the Catholic Letters together with Arethas’ catena on Revelation.”  A little more digging turned up a nice scan. It was then, comparing this edition to the images on the VMR, that I realized that the handwritten portion of this ms was also copied from this very edition. 

To begin with, the mise-en-page of the ms is remarkably similar to the edition. To give one example, the double diplai in the margin of the ms look exactly like those in edition. However, there are two features of the ms that serve as “smoking guns” that confirm it has been copied from a printed edition, even without a detailed comparison of the text itself: 

First, following the printed edition, the ms (at least in the opening of James) does not have any nomina sacra. They are spelled out, exactly as they are in the printed edition. This is extremely unusual in a Greek ms. In the right circumstances this is itself enough to suggest that a ms was copied from a printed edition. But there is more. 

Second, and perhaps even more significantly, the ms uses catchwords at the bottom of each page, exactly as does the printed edition. As is well known, early printed works put the last word or clause of each page in a separate line at the bottom of each page. These catchwords were then repeated on the start of the next page, which enabled printers to keep the sheets in the proper order. The ms has fewer words per page than the printed edition, so the catch words in the edition do not line up. So the ms has added catch words of its own. Just as in the printed edition (and very unlike standard practice for NT mss), these are given in a line by themselves at the bottom of each page and then repeated at the beginning of the next page.

Taken together, these two factors seem to me to be sufficient evidence to conclude that GA 2776 has not been copied from another ms of the Catena, but from the editio princeps and should therefore be removed from the Liste. 

As a final check, I used Nico Lamme’s TEI collation of Tommy Wasserman’s Jude transcriptions to check to see if GA 2776 had any distinctive readings in Jude that it might share with the printed edition. Since there is a possibility that there are other mss  that have been copied from a printed edition, I set the search (using Nico’s handy find variation script), for all places where GA 2776 has a reading that is found in five or fewer additional witnesses. This search produced three results: 

In Jude 10_4–8 (note that the locations are derived from Lamme’s collation and in some cases differ from Wasserman’s printed edition), there is a singular transposition of δε and μεν that seems to have been corrected by the copyist in scribendo. This is a simple error that doesn’t provide evidence one way or the other.

In Jude 10_20, Wasserman’s transcription has GA 2776 reading φυσικ<d>ο</d>ς with a handful of other mss (this variation is not present in Wasserman’s printed apparatus, but is in his original transcription). In my judgment, the transcription here should probably be φυσικ<d>ω</d>ς. (The scribe copies “ο” with a heavy dot on the top, while the letter is clearly open. However, the center rise of the ω appears to be absent, justifying marking the letter as dubious.) In any case, even if the letter was ο, this sort of variation is rarely genealogically significant. 

In Jude 23_22–24, Wasserman has 2776 joining 1066 1642 in omitting τον before απο. However, an examination of the ms at this place shows that the scribe has written what looks very like his style of τ on top of the α in απο. While it is far from clear, this could possibly be taken as another in scribendo correction. 

While this textual data provides no additional reasons to support the paratextual information provided above, it also provides no challenge to removing GA 2776 from the Liste. 


  1. Peter, thank you for sharing this detailed research.

    In Jude 1 "The Epistle of Jude: Its Text and Transmission" has ιησου χριστω τετηρημενοις for 2776 while "Expositiones Antiquae ..." has ιησου χριστου τετηρημενοις.

    How does the VMR image read?

  2. Just checked it—it seems to be read ιησου χριστου. However, there appears to be some sort of in scribendo correction—the scribe usually writes ου as a ligature, but the two letters are separate and the circumflex is in a different style. However, the υ is clearly visible and there does not seem to be an erasure under it. So I probably would go with χριστoυ for the first hand and χριστου for what is actually visible. Here is the relevant image, about halfway down the page (marked by the diplai as noted above).

  3. Let it be on The Liste and add a note about the printed source.
    See Maurice Robinson's note about GA 724:

    1. I went back and read the comment you mentioned, but I still think that copies of printed editions should not be in the Liste. The main question, of course, is what the purpose of the Liste is. My understanding is that its purpose is to catalogue textual sources of at least some relevance for the textual history of the Greek New Testament. From that point of view, there needs to be a focus to the data that is included and also to ensure some modicum of consistency. For example, I have a copy of most of Matthew that I made myself from the Tyndale House Edition. It is continuous text, and has a very early text indeed. If we included copies of printed editions, why should it not receive a GA number as well if copies of printed editions are not included? However, if it did receive a GA number, it would certainly be selected for the edition and become one of the leading textual witnesses in Matthew, which would not make much sense. While manuscripts like this (GA 2776, not my personal copy of Matthew) should certainly be in Pinakes, with its rather different goals, they should not be in the Liste as they obscure the primary purposes of the project.

    2. K. Aland in the Kurzgefasste Liste, 1963, p. 15:
      "Moderne Abschriften, die mit einer an Sicherheit grenzenden Wahrscheinlichkeit aus gedruckten Texten abgeschrieben sind […] haben nichts in de Handschriftenliste zu suchen."
      So, when such mss dating from the 16th century are *modern*, you are right Peter.

    3. Yes, I would definitely consider a 16th (or in this case a 17th) century ms as modern, especially for the purposes of studying the textual history of the New Testament.

    4. Maurice A. Robinson2/14/2025 2:39 pm

      What about 16th century or later MSS that were *not* copied from printed editions but from some lost or as yet unidentified exemplars (there are some)?

    5. For the purposes of the Liste, those should be included. Indeed, from that perspective, it could sometimes make more sense to include early printed editions (which are sometimes based, or based in part, on lost exemplars) than copies of those printed editions. I'm not actually suggesting this, but it highlights what (I think) should be the priorities for the Liste.

  4. Katie Leggett2/20/2025 12:08 pm

    Dear Peter,

    Thank you for pointing this out. We agree with your assessment and have removed GA 2776 from the Liste. If a MS is clearly a copy of a printed edition, it doesn’t belong in the Liste. Even after it is removed, however, all the respective data and images are still fully available in the NTVMR and accessible for further research. For MSS where this is likely but not yet conclusive (like GA 1327) there is the footnote: Copied from a printed edition?

    We have plans in the (hopefully) near future to add a feature in the NTVMR to tag all MSS copied (or suspected of being copied) from a printed edition so this information is more easily accessible for those wanting to dig deeper. There are a number of other MSS that were likely copied (or partially copied) from a printed edition that we simply haven’t had a chance to look into yet , e.g. those pointed out by Professor Robinson in another post: GA 289. 296. 525. 724. 956. 963. 1054 . 1086. 1239. 1303. 1325 . 1596. 1629. 1644. 1652. 1680. 1802. 2132vid . 2136. 2137. 2255. 2708. 2737.

    We’re very grateful for all the feedback.

    1. And there is 372 (relation with 2737) :
