Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Bill Warren's 20th

Congratulations to ETC blogger Bill Warren who was celebrated today by New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary for his 20 years of service to the seminary.

Seminary President Charles Kelley especially highlighted Dr. Warren's initiative in the creation of the H. Milton Haggard Center for New Testament Textual Studies, mentioning also the growth of its endowment under Dr. Warren, its development in resources and collections, and its work in training text critics.


  1. Congratulations, Dr Warren! I am sure I speak for everyone here in that CNTTS is an excellent achievement.

  2. Not sure if anyone here has pointed it out yet, but the Oxyrhynchus volume 74 is now online including the images of P127

  3. Dear Dr Warren, I was wondering when is the next revision to CNTTS for Accordance coming?

  4. Thanks Darrell, I have up-dated a much earlier post with the link.

  5. Thanks for noting this, Jim, and for the comments on it by others. On the CNTTS update, we will have that available for Nov. at the SBL meetings. We sent the files to BibleWorks also recently, so the module should also be available with BibleWorks then as well. As for the changes from the last release, we've added the rest of the NT papyri for most all of the NT books (lacking a few in Acts and Rev. primarily), made formatting and entry corrections (typos, duplications, hard returns where spaces should have been only, etc.), and added some other mss with quite a number more to be added for next year. The Accordance Module will also have the Robinson-Pierpont MT added, with plans to put that into the next BibleWorks release, but we did not finish adding it in time for BibleWorks this time. We have some other projects in the works that I'll post about when we're a bit further along, but in brief they relate to some on-line tools that I think will be helpful for folks.
