Monday, March 30, 2009
Sisters of Sinai
"Sisters of Sinai" tells an extraordinary tale of nineteenth century exploration; how two Scottish sisters made one of the most important ancient manuscript finds of the age. Hidden in a cupboard beneath the monastic library at St Catherine's in the Sinai desert the twins discovered what looked like a palimpsest: one text written over another. It was Agnes who recognized the obscured text for what it was - one of the earliest copies of the Gospels written in ancient Syriac. Once they had overcome the stubborn reluctance of Cambridge scholars to authenticate the find and had lead an expedition of quarrelsome academics back to Sinai to copy it, Agnes and Margaret - in middle years and neither with any university qualifications - embarked on a life of demanding scholarship and bold travel. In this enthralling book, Janet Soskice takes the reader on an astonishing journey from the Ayreshire of the sisters' childhood to the lost treasure trove of the Cairo genizah. We trace the footsteps of the intrepid pair as they voyage to Egypt, Sinai and beyond, Murray's guide book in hand coping with camels, unscrupulous dragomen, and unpredictable welcomes. We enter the excitement and mystery of the Gospel origins at a time when Christianity was under attack in Europe. Crucially this is the story of two remarkable women who, as widows, were undeterred in their spirit of adventure and who overcame insuperable odds to become world class scholars with a place in history.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
More Articles of Interest
"Canonization – a Non-Linear Process? Observing the Process of Canonization through the Christian (and Jewish) Papyri from Egypt"
The article is in English, the abstract in German:
Eine quantitative Analyse der christlichen und jüdischen literarischen Papyri Ägyptens aus dem zweiten bis zum fünften Jahrhundert mit dem Ziel der Untersuchung der Ausbildung des alt- und neutestamentlichen Kanons bietet gegenüber herkömmlichen Untersuchungen von Zitaten und Anspielungen in der patristischen Literatur den Vorteil eines direkteren Zugriffs auf antike Vorlieben für bestimmte Bücher. Als Resultate sind festzuhalten: Wählt man Athanasius’ Liste kanonischer Bücher, werden apokryphe Schriften im Verhältnis zu kanonischen Schriften im Laufe der Zeit immer weniger kopiert. Diese Entwicklung ist jedoch nicht linear. Im vierten Jahrhundert ist ein ansteigendes Interesse an apokryphen Büchern auszumachen (z.B. 1Enoch, Jannes und Jambres, Paulusakten), das eventuell mit der Vielfalt verschiedener christlicher Bewegungen in Ägypten (Melitianer, Arianer, Mönchtum) in Zusammenhang zu bringen ist. Die Vorwürfe verschiedener Kirchenväter, Häresie und Lektüre unkanonischer Schriften hingen zusammen, scheinen angesichts des papyrologischen Befundes nicht ganz aus der Luft gegriffen. Zumindest ist ein simultanes Ansteigen beider Phänomene auszumachen. Der Kanon, vor allem der des Alten Testaments, ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Das Interesse an den euterokanonischen Schriften des Alten Testaments nimmt eher zu. Der Hirt des Hermas ist bis zum vierten Jahrhundert ebenso beliebt wie zentrale kanonische Bücher.
On a similar subject the same author published an article in Novum Testamentum 51 (2009): "Weighing the Parts. A Papyrological Perspective on the Parting of the Ways"
A comparison of the ideological composition of the Qumran library and Christian libraries from ancient Egypt, reconstructed from pre-Constantinian papyri, reveals a profound difference in the amount of group-specific material: ca. 28% Qumran “sectarian” at Qumran vs. ca. 60% “Christian” books in ancient Egyptian Christian libraries. Even for the second century, where we have much less data, the divide is quite great. If we take Qumran as example for a Jewish sectarian library, still focused largely on the Hebrew Bible and writings shared with other Jews, Christian libraries portray an independent group-specific identity, quite early on.
I wonder if Peter or Tommy may have some comments on these articles ...
Recent Articles and Reviews in Textual Criticism in NTS, NovT, and TC
Volym 55 Number 1, 2009
Ulrich Schmidt, "1 Thess 2.7b, c: ‘Kleinkinder, die wie eine Amme Kinder versorgen’," 116-120
In einer exzellenten Studie hat B. R. Gaventa unlängst Bilder der Weiblichkeit in der paulinischen Theologie erörtert.1 Sie beginnt dabei mit einer Besprechung von 1 Thess 2.7b, entscheidet sich für die lectio difficilior NHPIOI statt HPIOI, und zwar sowohl aus textkritischen Gründen als auch aufgrund der Verwendung des Lexems NHPIOS bei Paulus.2 So wäre ‘infant’/Kleinkind bzw. unmündig zu lesen und TROFOS als ‘nurse’/Kindermädchen bzw. ‘wet nurse’/Amme zu verstehen. So kommt man zu folgender Textfassung:[I transcribed the Greek font]
Novum Testamentum
Volume 51, Number 1, 2009
Ulrich Victor, "Textkritischer Kommentar zu ausgewählten Stellen des Lukas- und des Johannesevangeliums," pp. 30-77
Because of the completely contaminated textual tradition of the NT, it is essential that the textual critic as a rule confines himself to the instruments of philology and exegesis, the so-called internal criteria. The customary evaluation of manuscripts and manuscript groups according to their assumed quality and value within the tradition or according to their geographical distribution on the one hand ignores the reality of the transmission, and is on the other hand not a rationally defensible procedure. In this contribution I will demonstrate the arbitrary nature of the customary approach, while showing at the same time the gains to be made for the text by applying internal criteria.
Book review, pp. 90-94
Jeffrey Kloha reviews Jan Krans, .Beyond What Is Written: Erasmus and Beza as Conjectural Critics of the New Testament(Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2006), x + 384 pp., ISBN 978-9004152-86-1, ISBN 90-04-15286-5, € 138.00. (= NTTS, 35)
Book notes, pp. 99-103
J. K. Elliott writes brief notes on some books of interest, e.g., on Detlef Fraenkel's update of Alfred Rahlfs, Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des alten Testaments I, 1: Die Überlieferung bis zum VIII. Jahrhundert (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2004) xxxiv + 566 pp., ISBN 3525534477
Roderic L. Mullen (ed.), The Gospel according to John in the Byzantine Tradition (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2007) l + 273 pp., ISBN 9783438051325.
Volume 51, Number 2, 2009
Book notes, pp. 199-204
J. K. Elliott writes brief notes on recent books, e.g., one of particular interest on James R. Royse,Scribal Habits in Early Greek New Testament Papyri (Leiden: Brill, 2008) xxix + 1052 pp. ISBN 9004161818 €265 (= New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents 36)
TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism
Vol 13 (2008)
Tobias Nicklas, "Das Christentum der Spätantike: Religion von 'Büchern', nicht (nur) von Texten Zu einem: Aspekt der 'Materialität von Kommunikation'"
The author explores the question of whether early Christianianty should properly be called a "religion of books" rather than a "religion of the (single) book." He particularly looks at the early Christian use of the codex as the preferred book form.
Paola Marone, "Optatus and the African Old Latin"
This article looks at and analyzes the "African Old Latin" according to Optatus. By examining certain aspects of the quotations within the Adversus donatistas (i.e., quotations that appear in two variant forms), the author attempts to establish the context in which a revision took place.
P. J. Williams, "An Evaluation of the Use of the Peshitta as a Textual Witness to Romans"
The author evaluates NA27's representation of P as a witness to the text of the New Testament. Of 150 variants for which P is cited, he discusses those 48 for which he believes the citations are questionable or wrong.
I also note with satisfaction that all former volumes of the TC Journal is now back on-line after the servercrash! Some dead links still remain to be fixed.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Good Survey of Text and Manuscripts of Josephus
This is a really useful survey of the manuscripts and other witnesses to the text of Josephus.
Lane on Warfield on Humanity of Scripture
A.N.S. Lane, 'B.B. Warfield and the Humanity of Scripture' Vox Evangelica 16 (1986), 77-94.
My SBL Paper Accepted
This year the section invited paper proposals for two sessions citing from the "call for papers": 1) The first session will be devoted to the study and re-evaluation of textual types or text families of New Testament manuscripts. 2) For the second session, we welcome papers on all aspects of the textual transmission of the New Testament, especially those that focus on the social-history of early Christian textual transmission and the history and practice of textual criticism.
My paper was proposed for the first session. Below is the abstract:
Ever since the days of Westcott and Hort the concept of text-types, as part of the external evidence, has played a major role in the evaluation of individual readings and the production of critical texts. The current standard editions differ little from the text of Westcott and Hort, reflecting a preference for the text-type commonly known as “Alexandrian.” In recent years, however, the study of the relationship between manuscripts has led to refined results, most importantly through the application of the Coherence Based Genealogical Method (CBGM). This development, it is argued, leads to a “calibration” of the external evidence that is likely to diminish the importance of the concept of text-types in New Testament textual criticism. Examples from passages in the Catholic Epistles will be presented in order to demonstrate in practice how a refined knowledge of manuscript relationships beyond text-types can aid in the evaluation of readings.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Reuben J. Swanson (1917-2009), RIP
Reuben J. Swanson, born 15 April 1917, was Emeritus Professor of Western Carolina University. He had his S.T.M. and Ph.D. degrees in New Testament Studies from Yale. He was professor of Biblical Studies at Grand View Seminary and Lenoir Rhyne College, where he was chairman of the Department of Religion and Philosophy, prior to his tenure at Western Caroline University.
He also served on the faculties at California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, and St. John's Seminary at Camarillo, California. He was an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and served congregations in Michigan, Connecticut, Iowa, North Carolina and Californa.
In the area of New Testament textual criticism Swanson was known above all for his series New Testament Greek Manuscripts. Variant Readings Arranged in Horizontal Lines Against Codex Vaticanus.
A film about his life produced by his grandson Erik very recently is available on YouTube here: (The film start about 50 seconds into the clip.)
Here is a list of books authored by Swanson.
His visitation will be on Thursday, March 26th at 6 pm at Holy Cross Lutheran Church
5071 Winton Rd Fairfield, OH 45014.
We invite readers to share their memories of Reuben J. Swanson in the comment section.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Disappearing Verses in the New Testament
I have the odd feeling that the shorter version is simply continuing an accidental omission of a verse number, but surely that can't be true, can it?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Authorial perspectives on alterations to their texts
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Care and Conservation of Manuscripts. Volume 10
Manfred Mayer (The University of Graz, Austria): "Conservationally safe digitization of manuscripts"
Scot McKendrick (The British Library, London): "The International Codex Sinaiticus Project: genesis, aims and current progress"
John Mumford (The British Library, London): "The International Codex Sinaiticus Project: condition, assessment and conservation"
Athanasios Velios and Nicholas Pickwoad (The Saint Catherine’s Monastery Library Project, Camberwell College): "The Saint Catherine’s Library Conservation Project: Collecting and managing the survey data"
For a complete list see here. For the book: Care and conservation of manuscripts 10, ed. Gillian Fellows-Jensen and Peter Springborg (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2008).
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Canon Lists in the Early Church
Marcionite canon.
Muratorian canon.
Origenic canon, part 1.
Origenic canon, part 2.
Eusebian canon, part 1.
Eusebian canon, part 2.
Cheltenham canon.
Apostolic Constitutions canon.
Canon of Cyril.
Canon of Athanasius.
Canon of Epiphanius.
Laodicean Synod canon.
Carthaginian Synod canon.
Claromontanus catalogue.
Stichometry of Nicephorus.
A visit to the Scriptorium

Scholarly visitors should be warned that the visit to The Scriptorium is a 50 minute tour and lights and opening doors usher you from room to room on a fixed schedule. It is not therefore possible to spend the time you might wish with every artefact. However, the collection, which also houses the library of Eberhard Nestle, is apparently also available for scholarly consultation.
Only two days earlier I had visited the Bible Museum at Houston Baptist University. The collection there has fewer original holdings, though it does contain some items such as 'The Wicked Bible' (the 1631 KJV without 'not' in 'thou shalt not commit adultery') of which I was told there are only 11 known extant copies.
TW: Read also our earlier report on the Van Kampen collection, and the recent efforts by CSNTM to photograph it, here.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Lausanne Papyrus Conference
To select a few of the speakers: Claire Clivaz, Paul Schubert, Sylvie Honigman, Kim Haines-Eitzen, AnneMarie Luijendijk, J.K. Elliott, Tobias Nicklas, T.J. Kraus, P.M. Head.
Rico Reviews Greenlee
He concludes:
If Greenlee intended to write a book to make textual critics happy, to compete with standards like Metzger and Aland & Aland, then he surely failed, and Elliott’s review is spot-on. But Greenlee didn’t do that. He wrote a book for the average person, sitting in the pew, with some basic questions about the text. Greenlee paints in broad strokes and gives general answers to the questions, which is what his desired audience needs.
Academics and textual critics can continue to nitpick Greenlee’s book, but don’t pay attention to them. If you need something on textual criticism for a basic layperson audience, Greenlee is your go-to book.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The UBS GNT: A Reader's Edition (without apparatus)
In any case, Long Westfall ends her review with the following conclusion:
As a pedagogical tool, it is not meant to take the place of the UBS4 with its critical apparatus, nor does it claim to obviate the need for lexicons or other resources. I do not believe that these omissions are detrimental to the motivated intermediate reader who is building reading skills. In my experience, the ongoing critical use of apparatus and the regular study of lexicons are implemented somewhat late in the program of study by the average Greek student, except when the student is doing an exegetical assignment. However, if students are able to build reading fluency early in their study, they are more likely to build on their linguistic competency with the consistent use of critical tools. I have worn out a couple of UBS texts, so, though sympathetic, I am not impressed by the objection that a student must own two Greek Bibles if he or she uses this tool.
Do you agree with her?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Greek Accent Question
1 Corinthians 1:9
πιστὸς ὁ θεός, δι᾽ οὑ ἐκλήθητε εἰς κοινωνίαν τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Edinburgh Travel Journal

On Wednesday it was time to travel home again, but I had some hours in the morning to spend in Edinburgh, so I had time to buy some presents for the family. During this long walk I passed the area where I had been three years earlier at the ISBL in Edinburgh, 2006. On the bus to the airport, some Swedish ladies happened to enter the bus just after me. Apparently they had also flewn in on Sunday on the same flight and were now heading home to Sweden too. At 10PM I finally came home, quite exhausted after hours of waiting, flying, waiting, and another bustravel. But I look back to a really nice experience, and I look forward to going to Edinburgh again in the future.
Two or three silly things
We guess is written by a woman (60%), however it's quite gender neutral.
Rod Decker noticed that a fancy new evangelical NT text-book had a photo claiming to be P52 that was not. Nick Norelli identified it as P. Oxy 52. Just think how many mistakes were made in the process of including this in the book!
There is a report that a fifth-sixth century monastery has been partially (and badly) excavated 'in the hills near Jerusalem'. An interesting mosiac was unearthed: "O Lord God of Saint Theodorus, protect Antonius and Theodosia the illustres, Theophylactus and John the priest." So here is an interesting quiz question: two of these names appear in a NT manuscript. Which names? Which manuscript? And could it have been written at this very site?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Book Sale Today Only
60% off today only: here
Monday, March 09, 2009
Jesus, Judas or the Devil?
2 The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus. 3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God;
While some Greek manuscripts have "Jesus" (above in bold), and the versions tend to have the name, the earliest Greek witnesses (except for A) omit the subject, simply reading:
εἰδὼς ὅτι πάντα ἔδωκεν αὐτῷ ὁ πατὴρ εἰς τὰς χεῖρας (P66.75 א B D L W 1241)
Grammatically, one might understand the antecedent of εἰδὼς to be of the two figures in the prior sentence ... Judas or "the devil". The context would quickly prevail of course. However, it seems that scribes added the name Jesus, either intentionally or unintentionally making explicit what was already implicit.
The Byzantine tradition and a number of later uncials read ο Ιησους. I think that the versions may have the reading for translational reasons and not because of their Greek Vorlagen. The use of ΔΕ by the Bohairic has partially persuaded me on this. The Greek loanword is frequently used to reinforce a change in verbal subject in Bohairic with no Greek attestation. Versions aside, I wonder how many of the Greek citations were actually related to one another historically.
Thought for the day:
The earliest Greek texts set the stage for later variants. Certain passages would have been textual lightning rods for certain variations.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Preparing for Edinburgh
The paper for the less formal seminar will basically be on the nature of the "original text." This material will also be published later this year in Eve-Marie Becker & Anders Runesson, eds. Mark and Matthew, Texts and Contexts I: Understanding the Earliest Gospels in their First Century Contexts (WUNT; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck).
Now I look forward to meeting Larry Hurtado, Paul Foster and all the staff in Edinburgh. I can't believe it was almost three years since I last visited Edinburgh during the SBL International Meeting, 2006. That was a very nice meeting, above all some evening fellowship with Martin Heide and Ulrich Schimd at local pubs. (Unfortunately, the German soccer team beat Sweden in the FIFA World Cup but otherwise it was nice.)
Friday, March 06, 2009
I searched my Bibleworks for the phrase in the NT (19 hits) and checked each of them against my trusted, printed NA27 (no differences).
Here is the result: πρός σε in the first two instances (Mat 14:28, 25:39), in all remaining 17 cases both words are accented.
Is there an explanation (or even a MS tradition!) or are we, in the words of the Dutch painter Karel Appel, 'just messing about'?
Paper Accepted for the SBL International Meeting
I hope to meet up with several members of Evangelical Textual Criticism at this conference. Peter Rodgers
Paper accepted for the Sinaiticus Conference
Thursday, March 05, 2009
New Testament Manuscripts at the Benaki Museum
The musueum has a well-organized webpage which gives the following information (here) of their collection of Byzantine Art, including manuscripts:
Byzantine art
The Byzantine collection links the ancient Greek world to that of modern Greece. The collection is exceptionally rich, although it is not representative of all the different artistic tendencies and currents which flourished during the thousand-year Byzantine Empire, and is divided into two groups.
The first group comprises bronze and silver household and ecclesiastical vessels, miniature sculptures and enamels, ceramics, manuscripts, etc., many of outstanding quality and workmanship.
The second group includes Byzantine and post-Byzantine icons, through which the evolution and development of iconography from the Byzantine period and the Palaeologan renaissance can be traced in the workshops of Crete and the artistic production of Mount Athos, up to the early stages of the modern Greek painterly tradition.
A number of household vessels from the early Byzantine period (4th to 7th centuries AD) help to create a picture of the domestic surroundings of late antiquity. The rich selection of lamps and chandeliers is also of especial interest.
The important collection of decorative silver plates dating from the late 6th and early 7th century clearly preserves the subject matter of the artistic tradition of Greco-Roman antiquity and the manner of depicting the human figure. The Museum's collection of ceramic platters likewise offers a rich selection of decorative themes.
Several ecclesiastical vessels, censers and chalices, dating to the early Byzantine period, as well as other groups of objects such as matrices, tools and measuring instruments, cast light on contemporaneous trade, crafts and scientific advances.
The entrancing collection of Byzantine jewellery presents an obvious continuation of Roman forms and techniques, including golden necklaces and earrings set with sapphires, amethysts, emeralds and pearls, and exquisitely worked bracelets and rings decorated with Christian emblems.
A large group of crosses, reliquaries, amulets and miniature steatite icons are indicative of the rich production of small-scale works of art in Byzantium.
A number of superb censers and processional crosses are representative of ecclesiastical vessels and furnishings of the middle and late Byzantine periods.
Finally, it is worth noting that the general public has always reserved its greatest affection for the Benaki Museum's collection of Byzantine and post-Byzantine icons.Up-date: edit
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Cologne: State Archive Building Collapses
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Call for Papers: ‘Texts beyond Borders: Multilingualism and Textual Scholarship’
‘Texts beyond Borders: Multilingualism and Textual Scholarship’
Academy for Science and the Arts (KVAB), Brussels, Belgium November 19-21, 2009
Deadline for proposals: 31 May 2009
Contacts between languages, especially translations, have always played a crucial role in the making of European culture, from Antiquity until today. Bilingual or multilingual documents, literary works created in another language than their creators’ mother tongue, translations and translated texts are special textual objects which require appropriate editorial treatment. The conference will explore how textual scholarship responds to multilingualism in its various forms, such as:
1) Scholarly editing and annotating: Using translations as witnesses to an “original” text
How do we edit ancient or medieval texts (or parts of texts) that are preserved only in translations? How can we handle those cases where translations do not appear to be based on direct witnesses to the text?...
2) Scholarly editing and annotating: Translations as literary objects
Is the original text the only source used by a translator? How did he use earlier translations? How can we trace the sources and tools used by a translator? ...
3) Book history, the history of reading and translations
Dissemination of translations; bilingual editions; the role of Bible translations in the history of philology; translations which become more popular than the original; texts which circulate first or more widely in translation than in their original form (e.g. Flemish performances of Michel de Ghelderode’s theatre prior to the French original); annotations and marginalia in languages other than the reader’s native tongue: how do readers respond to works not written in their own language? …
4) Authorship and translations
Revisions of translations by the author himself may contain precious interpretative information. Translations may seem less authoritative than other texts and editors might therefore be tempted to emend translations on a larger scale than in the case of “original” texts. ...
5) Multilingualism and scholarly editing
Do multilingual works of literature need other methods of editing than monolingual writings? It might also be necessary to make a distinction between different types of multilingual works (self- translations, ‘hybrid’ writings, …). Do these different types require different editorial treatments? Is it necessary to find adequate methods to edit works by authors writing in languages not their own? Or works not written in any “natural” language, such as nonsense poetry? …
The programme chairs invite the submission of proposals for full panels or individual papers devoted to the discussion of current research into different aspects of textual work, preferably focusing on the topics mentioned above. A selection of papers will be published in Variants: The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship. Proposals and abstracts (250 words) should be submitted electronically to:
Caroline Macé, University of Leuven :
Dirk Van Hulle, University of Antwerp:
Deadline: 31 May 2009
All participants in the ESTS 2009 conference must be members of ESTS.
For information about membership, please visit the ESTS website
P. Oxy. 1353 = 0206 (1 Pet 5:5-13) for Sale!
It was kindly suggested [by a] fellow papyroligist that we use PAPY to inform the papyrologist community of a unique papyrus collection that we are helping to market and sell for a US seminary. Its Board of Trustees is exploring the sale of its papyrus collection, most of which (8 of 9) are from the well documented Oxyrhynchus excavation. The most interesting piece is a Fourth Century fragment of I Peter 5:6-12. It is written in a hand closely resembling that of the famed Codex Sinaiticus. I am assisting the board by contacting prospective interested parties and have prepared overview of the collection which you can be secured at the following link:
In the coming weeks, we plan to email Offer Letter Instructions to those who might want to submit an offer to purchase this collection. We expect the collection to sell in a $ range of low-to-mid six figures. There is a possibility the fragments will sell separately, but we believe the collection will be worth more together. If you or an organization you are affiliated with would like the Offer Letter Instructions when we issue them, please e-mail me.
James S. Hollander
Managing Director
Corporate Development Associates, Inc.
5335 Far Hills Ave. Ste. 304
Dayton, OH 45429
937.439.4227-Office 937.439.5593-Fax
Email: jimhollander[at]cda-inc[dot]net
Monday, March 02, 2009
SCRIPTO consists of six modules that cover a broad spectrum of subjects (text typology; book illumination; palaeography; codicology; incunabula studies; informatics). There will be SCRIPTO research seminars, one of which will be given by Rosamond McKitterick (Cambridge) at Bamberg. Participants will also have the opportunity to work on a common research project.
The German Manuscript Centres in Berlin, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Munich, Stuttgart and Wolfenbüttel are supportive of the SCRIPTO programme. The course will take place in cooperation with the manuscript departments of the Erlangen University Library, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich, the City Library in Nuremberg and the Herzog August Bibliothek at Wolfenbüttel.
The international academic committee of the SCRIPTO programme is made up of the following scholars: Prof. Jacques Berlioz (Ecole nationale des chartes, Paris), Prof. Guglielmo Cavallo (Università degli studi «La Sapienza», Rome), Prof. David Ganz (King’s College, London), Prof. Eef Overgauuw (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin ? Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Representative of the German Manuscript Centres) and Prof. Ursula Rautenberg (Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg).
SCRIPTO sessions will take place in Bamberg (Staatsbibliothek), Erlangen (Universitätsbibliothek), Munich (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek), Nuremberg (Stadtbibliothek) and Wolfenbüttel (Herzog August Bibliothek) at a fee of 850 Euros (which includes travel and accommodations for seminars outside of Erlangen ) per participant. Further information may be obtained online:
SCRIPTO III 2009/2010
SCRIPTO III will run from 26 October 2009 until 27 January 2010. Applicants should write enclosing a full CV to:
Prof. Dr. Michele C. Ferrari
Friedrich-Alexander-UniversitätMittellatein und NeulateinKochstr. 4/391054 Erlangen (Germany)
The application deadline is 31 August 2009. The language of instruction is German. Foreign participants, however, will be able to take German language courses at Friedrich Alexander University if they so wish. They should mention this in their application.
Those applicants accepted for the course will be charged 850 Euros and will receive a document stating the terms of agreement and detailed information about the course, including the timetable. [HT: DISKUS]
New Unicode Font for Papyrology and Textual Criticism
Up to this point I have been using Gentium (for Greek) in combination with Cardo (for some special sigla), but sometimes I haven't been entirely pleased. Anyway, this new font seems very nice and should be of good benefit for papyrologists and textcritics.
Comments on your experiences with fonts are welcome!