Here are details of a Birmingham (UK) conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls. The line up of speakers is significant, though there is not much on the Bible.
The Dead Sea Scrolls: Texts and Context
29 October–1 November 2007
University of Birmingham, UK
The aim of this conference is to offer a critical interdisciplinary reassessment of the relationship of the texts to each other, to the site and the wider ancient Jewish context.
Confirmed Speakers and Titles
Prof. George Brooke
Title: Room for Interpretation: Space and Place in Sectarian Use of the Scriptures
Prof. Philip Davies
Title: What History can we get from the Scrolls, and How?
Prof. Torleif Elgvin
Title: Temple Mysticism and the Temple of Men
Prof. Hanan Eshel
Title: How Can We Learn Political History from the Scrolls?
Prof. Heinz-Josef Fabry
Title: Priests at Qumran – A Reassessment
Prof. Florentino García Martínez
Title: Cave 11 in Context
Prof. Martin Goodman
Title: Constructing Ancient Judaism from the Scrolls
Dr. Charlotte Hempel
Title: Thinking the Unthought. The Case of MMT
Prof. Michael Knibb
Title: Landscape in the Hodayot
Prof. Jodi Magness
Title: Archaeology and the Caves at Qumran
Prof. Sarianna Metso
Title: Processes of Creating Legal Traditions in the Essene Community and Its Wider Context
Prof. Lawrence Schiffman
Title: From the Cairo Genizah to Qumran: The Influence of CD on the Study of the Qumran Scrolls
Prof. Michael Stone
Title: The Scrolls and the Literary Landscape of Second Temple Judaism
Dr. Joan Taylor
Title: Dio - according to Synesius - on the Essene Landscape
Prof. Geza Vermes
Public Lecture: Personal Reflections on 60 Years of Scrolls Scholarship
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